My tips for your weight loss goals
I am guessing, that if you have got as far as reading this blog, then maybe you are thinking about losing weight.... am I right?
You can lose weight in a variety of ways. In 12weeks, you could lose 5kg... how would that suit you?*
Here are a few ways that I would approach this with my clients:
First, we would have a good chat to discuss your goal and the timings involved. For example:
do you have a deadline in mind?
Are you getting married?
Is there a big event coming up?
A specific outfit you want to feel great in?
What are your motivations? Is it to lose as much as you can as fast as you can, or is this a chance to lose weight and keep it off for good? A chance to reassess your lifestyle and habits?
Next, we will work out the calories that you need to lose weight. This will be based on your height and activity levels (not big secrets here - lots of calculators online)
What does progress look like to you? What gets measured gets improved! So, how we will know what success looks like? Will you be using your weight as per the scales? Will you take measurements with the tape measure? Are you going to take photos? What are you comfortable with?
We will then discuss your current daily activity levels and what you can do to increase your daily activity. If you don't really want to eat less, but you do want to lose wight, then increasing your daily activity is the only option!
Above all, we will make sure that we keep it as easy as possible so you enjoy your life!
As someone who has lost weight - and kept it off - I am confident that I have the knowledge and tools available to help you.
Feel free to contact me with your questions - all of my advice on my social channels is free! But if you wish to join me for 12weeks and see what can be achieved, details are in the photo below.
*Of course, results vary, depending on goals and starting weight - but this is certainly achievable!
