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My Secret Weapon? The Power of the Unconscious Mind

Karen - Beyond The Wall

I was a rather extroverted girl growing up.  I loved school.  If there was a chance to be on stage, in the newspaper, on the radio, I was first to volunteer. However, the one thing I hated as a child was physical activity.  And as someone who was rather academically gifted, that was not an issue, as I just focused on my studies instead.

At grammar school, I was suddenly a small fish in a big pond; where being academically bright was no longer enough and being a good dancer, sportswoman, gymnast, actress, singer was….

Sadly, I was none of these!  I really could not be bothered.  And I wasn’t very good, so what was the point?

I was told to sit down in PE lessons (especially those involving hurdles).  I managed to regularly experience three week long periods to avoid swimming lessons, both to avoid the exercise and the excruciating changing rooms experience…. (I didn’t, but it’s not like they were going to check!).

Accordingly, I was given a ‘cause for concern’ report rating in PE.  Not that my parents cared as my grades elsewhere were more than good enough to ease any worries that failing at PE might cause

I was a size 18 at 16 years old.  I wasn’t overly happy, I can not pretend that I was.  

Starting my first proper full time job, I discovered the joy of earning my own money, the freedom of driving and having lots of friends older than me.  Who - in my eyes - were all slimmer, prettier, fitter, than I was.  At this point, I decided that I HAD to do something, as I was really unhappy with how I looked.

I joined a well known international weight loss group.  Once a week, I would eat barely anything during the day, make sure I spent as much time on the toilet prior to the weigh in as I could, and then head to KFC or the pub for dinner after.  Thanks to the support of my mum, I had lots of food that kept to the ‘points’ and I got to my goal weight.

Because I was happier and more active, I would be going to aerobics classes, dancing in clubs till all hours and so the weight was easy to keep off.  

Unlike the majority of dieters, I did not regain all of the weight and more, but I did regain a bit, as I got older and life moved forward.

In my 30’s I decided to get fitter and so got a PT.   Did you know that if you see a PT twice a week but make no other changes to your diet and lifestyle, all that is likely to happen is you get a little bit poorer?!

About five or so years ago, I discovered the online PT, James Smith, whose no nonsense sweary approach to fitness and fat loss really appealed to me at the time.  From him, I learned about calorie deficits, the benefits of strength exercise, the impact of periods and menstruation for training, and so much more.

And my, how life started to truly, really change.

Karen stands on the riht of Ali from The SOuth.  Karen wears a yellow dress with a large blue Radley handbag.  Ali has dark hair with red at the front.
Me, in 2013 (with Ali from 'The South'). Proving that large handbags do not hide everything...

Karen, now a nutrition and mindset coach, looks happy, smiling, sitting a bench wearing a blazer and blue jeans
A much happier and healthier me, taken in July 2024

Today, I am a lover of pilates, clubbercise, and running.  You’ll see me running at the Walmer and Deal Seafront parkrun most weeks. I’ve completed several half marathons, including the Great North Run, Cambridge Half, Baldock Beast, Hertfordshire Half and more! Yup, the girl told to ‘sit down’ in PE lessons now pays to run (although I now prefer 10ks, rather than anything longer)!! I’ve also been featured in Women’s Running magazine and modelled lingerie on Instagram - Goodbye comfort zone!

​As an EIQ Certified Nutritionist, I am proud to take a compassionate, evidence based approach to nutrition and coaching.  

But my real secret weapon is that I’m a qualified Neuro Linguistic Programme (NLP) Coach.

NLP taps into the power of our unconscious mind - this is where our values, beliefs, and memories are held. The way we each see and experience the world is unique to each of us - most of the information we process every day we do so unconsciously and our own view of the world is based on our early formative experiences from when we were children and ever since your unconscious mind has been validating those. 

Changing our mindset, the way we see things and the stories we are telling ourselves is where we can make real lasting change and overcome whatever it is that is holding us back.

I realised the impact of the story I have been telling myself throughout my life is not the way the world and everyone else sees me. I worked through those blockers, I updated my internal software. What a release!

Back home in Deal, the shifts were palpable. Leaving my job in HR to pursue my passion to help others change their life and overcome whatever is holding them back. 

This girl has retrained as a nutrition and mindset coach, back in centre stage! I’ve made several appearances on Deal Radio. I am hosting my own podcast. 

This is me.  Here I am.

Becoming carefree is more than deciding not to care anymore.  It is about changing your mindset, taking back the power and moving forward with purpose and focus, not remaining tangled up in what could have been, what might have been.

My purpose is clear: to help people be the best version of themselves and let go of whatever is holding them back. 

If that’s you - if you’re feeling stuck, letting your weight stop you from going for promotion, scared to put yourself forward, terrified of presenting or taking a chance on a new direction or hearing a voice from the past saying you're not good enough - get in touch. 

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