Don’t think about the Eiffel Tower….
How was that for you? I bet the majority of you reading this started to imagine the Eiffel Tower?

How many times have you seen or heard someone shout to a child ‘don’t run into the road’ ‘Don’t press that’ 'don’t get that dirty’ 'don’t drop that!'..... What generally happens?
Yup, said child pretty much ends up doing whatever they have been told not to do.
How about when you are talking with a friend and they say ‘don’t look over there, it’s so and so?’ What happens?
How many times have you been in a situation at home, work, in the shops and you hear yourself say ‘I don’t care!’?
Your unconscious mind can not process negatives.
It will interpret everything that you are thinking as a positive thought. For example, if you decide that you don’t care about something, someone, a situation, your unconscious mind will focus on the ‘care’ so, yes, you will and do care about whatever that is!
And isn’t that true? You don’t like your boss. ‘I don’t care what she thinks’ you say to yourself. When really, everything that she says annoys and upsets you and sits in your mind rent free.
So, what are some actions you can take to make some positive changes straight away?
Reshape your communications, to others, and yourself. For example, instead of saying to your child ‘don’t run’, say ‘stay by me please’ or ‘walk by me’, ‘remember to look carefully’ and so on…
When you are talking to yourself : I hope I don’t mess this presentation up’ can become ‘I am looking forward to this’ or ‘let’s get to work!’.
It’s not that you don’t care. You do care!
But to be carefree means that you can let everyone else's thoughts and opinions float away from you.
"I am more than capable of success in what I am setting out to do. I am good at what I do. I can do it!"
And if this all feels like a struggle, perhaps I can help. I am a qualified NLP Practitioner and Coach.
NLP taps into the power of our unconscious mind - this is where our values, beliefs, and memories are held. The way we each see and experience the world is unique to each of us - most of the information we process every day we do so unconsciously and our own view of the world is based on our early formative experiences from when we were children and ever since your unconscious mind has been validating those.
Changing our mindset, the way we see things and the stories we are telling ourselves is where we can make real lasting change and overcome whatever it is that is holding us back.
My purpose is clear: to help people be the best version of themselves and let go of whatever is holding them back.
If that’s you - if you’re feeling stuck, letting your weight stop you from going for promotion, scared to put yourself forward, terrified of presenting or taking a chance on a new direction or hearing a voice from the past saying you're not good enough - get in touch.
Photo by Mat Kedzia: