I recently returned from a week in Turkey - I went to an all inclusive hotel for a week and have put on 2kg. What do I intend to do about it?
Yup, that might surprise you, from this Nutrition and Mindset coach, but here's why:
I had one week, of rest, relaxation and enjoyment. Yes, I over indulged on the food and alcohol.
BUT, my normal lifestyle does not consist of all you can eat buffet restaurants. patisseries, coffee shops, handmade chocolate counters, 'free' booze.....
One week does not mean hitting the 'f**k it' button
So, I expect after a week or two of 'normal' service resuming, I will return to where I was at before I went.
I will give you some regular updates on my instagram and facebook page to let you know my progress!
Meanwhile, if you are about to go on an all inclusive holiday, here are some tips:
If fat loss is your goal - aim for maintenance calories for your holiday.
Use the buffet to try new food combos and get some new ideas.
What can you take from these foods and bring them into your 'home' life?
Remember that you will get the most enjoyment from the first cookie, rather than the fourth one!
Try to practice losing the 'all or nothing' mentality - utilise your willpower to enjoy a little of something, rather than having several servings at each meal.
Does your hotel have a menu or app where you can take a screen shot or copy to take home for inspo?
Review the activities that your hotel is putting on - can you try something new? Is there a snazzy hotel gym? A tennis court? Try and get your activity levels up by trying something new and fun.
Maybe review your usual food choices outside of holiday time too - if you are restricting yourself so heavily - eg no cakes, no pastries, no curries, etc - that when you are on holiday you hit the 'f*** it' button, then maybe try allowing yourself the cake, chocolate and so on in your regular 'diet', so it feels like like a treat and less scarce when you are away.
You could also consider the above if you regularly travel away with work....
