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Maintaining Your Fat Loss, My Tips for Long Term Success

Karen - Beyond The Wall

MyFitnessPal helpfully reminded me recently that in 2017, I weighed over 77kilos - that’s just over 12stone.  Currently I weigh about 61kg.  And I have been around that lower number for four years now.  And as both a nutrition coach, and mindset coach, combined with this life experience, I feel qualified to talk to you today about long term fat loss maintenance.

To be in a maintenance phase, you have likely experienced fat loss (or gain) and have now reached your goal weight. Or a weight you feel comfortable with. If that is you - well done!  Now it is time to maintain that weight.

The first thing that you need to do, is accept that if you go back to how you were eating, then your weight will also go back to how it was.  You have to maintain the positive changes.  That doesn’t mean always being in a deficit, but coming back to maintenance is almost harder. 

Begin by adding 150-200calories to your daily calories. And if you want to build muscle, then your body will thank you for bringing it to maintenance. At this point, you may also feel that your energy levels rise too. If this happens, again, keep an eye on things to make sure you don't still drop into a deficit. Monitor and test it for a few weeks to find out where your level is.

If after a month of being at higher calories, you are still losing weight, bring them up a little again. Equally, if you have gained a little more than is ideal, trim the calories back. Then repeat this cycle to find where the balance is.

You also need to move away from the mindset of always being 'on a diet’.  Life is all about balance and so you need to accept that some days you will eat more than you need to, and other days you may not.

For example, holidays, birthdays, weddings, Christmas, etc. Here is where planning can come in really helpful.  Get right back on track at the next meal, resist the urge to free fall for days or even weeks.

Allow yourself to enjoy being in the moment, being with family, friends, memory making. If you haven't seen certain people for a while, there may be comments on your 'new' appearance. Acknowledge these, but let them go and remember your own reasons for the weight loss in the first place.

It may now be that, as you are at your goal weight, that really, you are still not feeling satisfied. 

And that will not help you to keep the weight off.  So, if we can move you to a mindset of feeling good, feeling positive, doing exercise that you enjoy, are motivated to do, rather than doing it for calorie burning, you’ll stick to it.  And then you’ll also be more inclined to look after yourself, make those positive lifestyle choices for you, not your ‘diet’.

You also need to come to the realisation that you are more than just a number on the scales.  Did you think that losing weight was going to be the answer to all of your problems?  If so, how has that worked out for you? 

Did you go for that job or promotion you promised you’d do once you lost weight?  Are you still hearing those voices from within telling you are you not good enough, that the weight will come back as it always had? Getting rid of that will feel better than any number on the scales ever will.

If you are at your goal weight, but not feeling satisfied - message me and we can chat.

Have you lost weight and maintained it? Put your tips below for others to read.

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